Last May, interviewed two Philadelphia-based teachers about how they were using crowdfunding to create makerspaces for students in their schools. Here’s an update on how both teachers have gone on to create successful maker spaces:

Michael Franklin at Chester A. Arthur

Michael Franklin said that his workshop, dubbed the “Wildcat Workshop,” is coming along well.

“We have received the bulk of our materials ordered through Donors Choose and, between an event with NextFab, the Donors Choose project, and additional donations, we managed to raise nearly $8000,” he said in an email.

The K-5 students at Chester A. Arthur visit the workshop as a class for hands-on projects geared toward the science curriculum for each grade. Also, the school’s 6-8 graders are finishing up making cars made from household materials that are powered by a fan.

“They are aiming to make the most efficient car (cost of materials per foot of distance traveled),” said Franklin.

He added that the students have been using their sketchbooks, professional grade drafting tools, and Prismacolor markers to lay out their designs on vellum.

“There is still plenty of work to do to get the space where we want it, but it has been very exciting and the vast majority of students are really gravitating to the classes,”  Franklin said.